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Kheia Hilton M.A. LPC

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As a licensed professional counselor, I have seen first-hand the negative impact of unmanaged stress and anxiety on people’s everyday lives. The constant worry, overthinking, planning, and overperforming is becoming too much to handle, and now you are looking for a solution. While it may seem impossible to live a life of peace and emotional freedom with so many responsibilities competing for your time and attention, I believe that a life of peace and freedom is available to everyone. As a therapist, I provide a safe, confidential, and empowering space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings. I use well-researched and proven techniques to help you heal from past experiences that impact how you view yourself and the world around you. I also provide you with the practical skills you can use daily to help you manage the unexpected things life throws at you.

While I treat all aspects of stress and anxiety, I specialize in helping Black Women learn to live in freedom, authenticity, alignment, and peace by breaking free from the burdens of perfectionism and shame. I focus on teaching you how to unlearn and heal from past experiences that make you believe that you have to prove that you are doing enough and that you are enough. 


Don’t wait until things feel out of control to get help; schedule an appointment today to start your journey toward peace and emotional freedom.


I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Virginia and a Board Certified TeleMental Health provider (BC-TMH). I am also an EMDR-certified therapist and Internal Family Systems level one trained.  

I earned a B.A. in Sociology from Hampton University and an M.A. in Professional Counseling from Liberty University.



Perfectionism                                  Anxiety                                    Stress

Left untreated, anxiety can be debilitating. The constant worry about things that have happened in the past or things that could possibly happen in the future can stop people from living their lives as freely and fully as they would like.


Many people who experience anxiety report excessive worry that is difficult to control, restlessness or feeling on edge, easily fatigued (tired), difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep, and appetite disturbance.

Since we specialize in treating anxiety, we know the tools that work best to get you the best results possible.


Stress is unavoidable and affects everyone. The key difference between those who appear to be able to thrive through stressful situations and those who seem to really struggle through it is how each person copes with stress.


People use many coping mechanisms in an attempt to manage stress, but all coping skills are not healthy. It is important to evaluate both the short and long-term effects of the coping skills used to ensure they are having positive effects on your life.  


Ascension focuses on teaching personalized and effective ways to manage stress in a way that works for you. It is important to begin learning the necessary skills to manage stress healthily and effectively so it does not negatively impact your mental and physical health.

Perfectionism impacts us all differently. While many experience perfectionism as pressure, anxiety or feeling overwhelmed, it also creates an intense need to avoid any perceived negative consequence that comes from imperfection. The cycle of perfectionism squarely gets in the way of our own personal freedom and authenticity because of the negative feedback loop created by our thoughts regarding success and failure. 


By reducing the underlying feeling of shame that usually causes perfectionism, we can minimize imposter syndrome, over-performing, stress, anxiety, and controlling behaviors, while promoting overall well-being. By becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings, patterns of behaviors, and the systemic, cultural, and generational experiences that have reinforced the belief that you have to be perfect, you can learn a more effective way to live peacefully while still achieving your goals.


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